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Twinning - what does it involve?

When towns twin, they encourage joint activities that bring as many people together as possible. It could be anything. Here are a few examples:


  • Choirs

  • Sports

  • Photography projects

  • Email exchanges between schools

  • Video-conferences

  • Visits to historic cities in both countries

  • Family visits

Shepshed has been twinned with Domont since 1989 and all of these activities have taken place over the years.

Both towns have a twinning committee, that support groups of citizens who want to get a project going.

Town councils also give their support, especially with big official celebrations


When Twinning first started families, used to stay in each other's houses and experience real life in England or France.

More recently, twinning groups tend to meet and explore interesting parts of France and Britain. We've met up in Lille, Liverpool and Dinan and plan to see each other in Edinburgh. Unfortunately, all plans are currently on hold at the moment. To see more about past activities, go to the Past Events page.


All the main routes into Shepshed have this sign. They appeared in 1989 when the towns officially twinned

About Domont


Domont Town Hall decorated for an international event

It's about 25 miles to the north of Paris, close to the forest of Montmerency.


It's got fast rail links that take you into the centre of Paris in less than 30 minutes.

It also has picturesque countryside nearby where Van Gogh created many of his best known paintings.

More information

For more about Domont, go to the town's website.
For more about the Domont Twinning Association, click on this link to their website


Domont is in the Val d'Oise. It connects to the Gare du Nord where the Eurostar arrives

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